Saturday 9th November 2024

Calling all Mo-Bro’s and Mo-Sister’s to our

Ultimate Trio’s Crossfit

Raising money for Men’s Health

Same Sex trios Competition | RX’D and Scaled Divisions

4 x workouts - to be released closer to competition date.

Tell your training buddies

Registration Opens Monday 19th August 2024

Train Together 💙 Grow Together 💙


Movement Requirements

Single Skips

Snatch/Clean & Jerks for Reps 40/25kg

Dumbbell movements 10/7kg

Ring rows

Hanging knee raise

Knee/Toe Push ups

Box jump/step up 24"/20"

Wallballs 14/8lb

Deadball over shoulder 30/20kg


Movement Requirements

Double Unders

Snatch/Clean & Jerks for Reps 50/35kg

Dumbbell movements 15/10kg


Toes to Bar

Toe Push ups

Handstand walk 1-2m

Box jump 24"/20"

Wallballs 20/14lb

DeadbaImagell over shoulder 50/30kg


Movement Requirements
Double Unders

Snatch/Clean & Jerks for Reps 60/40kg

Dumbbell movements 22.5/15kg


Toes to Bar

Handstand Push UP/Walks 5m

Box jump 30"/24"

Wallballs 20/14lb

Deadball over shoulder 150Lb/100lb